Friday, January 20, 2012


A sisterhood is not to be taken lightly,
A sister does not have to be from the same blood line,
But it's a bond with another woman or a group of woman's,
A bond that no matter how many obstacles you should both or all come across,
You are to understand, respect and love each other.
Embracing each other thru thick and thin,
Not breaking any barriers of trust,
But growing with each other,
Infusing; Love, laughter, knowledge and wisdom with each other.
Gathering when one or all are in need of support and love.
Lifting the other one up during trials,
Praying for each other when the devil is trying to knock the other down.
A sisterhood is not to be taken lightly,
The power of woman creating such a beautiful bond full of all these things and more,
Shows our youth that the bond in a true friendship can be strong even during times of weakness.
A sisterhood is not to be taken lightly,
We should hold on to it deep in our hearts forever!


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